By now you may have heard of arginine, but what the heck is it? Well, arginine is gaining some traction as a potential treatment for heart issues which is notable because millions of Americans suffer from some variety of cardiovascular disease. Arginine shows up in foods such as seeds and nuts, grains and wheat, and fish and red meat. It helps to relax arteries, maintain your immune and hormone functions, assist your kidneys in removing waste from your body, and even support your body during the healing of wounds.
Flaxseed oil and fish oil are both great sources for omega-3 fatty acids, but is one better for you than the other? The answer is that it really depends on your health goals and what you’re trying to accomplish.
Did you know that Vitamin C isn’t produced by your body? Many plants and animals can produce their own Vitamin C, but humans can’t and our bodies can’t store it either. This fact alone makes Vitamin C an absolutely vital nutrient that you should be certain is making its way into your body. Also known as ascorbic acid, Vitamin C may possibly cut your risk of a cold, support your immune system, and help aid in weight loss making it extremely important to be sure that you’re getting enough.
What is a coenzyme and why is it useful for you? Well, scientifically speaking, a coenzyme is a molecule that enhances what an enzyme is already doing. It’s also an organic non-protein which binds with a protein molecule and forms an active enzyme. Okay…but what does that mean? It means that it’s a vitamin-like substance found in most human cells that is a key factor in the production of energy by your body.
It’s never an easy task to get your children all of the nutrients they need; chicken nuggets, peanut butter sandwiches, and hot dogs aren’t going to cut it for their diet. With children it can be particularly hard to get them all the nutrients that their little bodies need to grow and be healthy just from food that they eat- especially if they’re not big fans of vegetables, fruits, or other healthy foods. What they probably need is a multivitamin specifically formulated for kids.
In the fast-paced working world, it can be hard to juggle all the responsibilities that come with being an adult. Some of the chief complaints that many Americans express to their physicians are feelings of fatigue or exhaustion.
Let’s face it, it’s not easy to get all the nutrition that we may need in our diets. It’s important to not only eat a fully balanced diet, but to also make sure that if you’re not eating a variety of food that you properly supplement additional nutrition. There are many different common vitamin and mineral deficiencies across the United States that can be helped with vitamin supplements. One of the top vitamin deficiencies found in the U.S. is a deficiency in vitamin D3.
Did you know that stress can lead to weight gain? It’s an unfortunate fact, but stress, and eating induced by stress, can lead to weight gain. As this WebMD video tells us, stress can lead to higher fat consumption, and this fat consumption can slow your metabolism and cause weight gain. This trend is especially prevalent in middle aged women. Take note that the women in this particular study were aged 53-years-old on average. However, the