Suffering from insomnia? Can’t focus at work? Lacking the drive to get errands and chores done? Well we’ve got a colossal catalog of supplements that may aid you in achieving the right state of mind to get you through anything that the day-to-day may throw at you.

Can’t Sleep?

Sleep is important! If you’re missing your 8 hour per diem of sleep, you may be injuring your body and mind. Our bodies utilize sleep to heal. Our muscles recuperate, and our cardiovascular system rests and slows. Moreover, our minds rely on sleep to rest and recompose. During sleep, the mind consolidates and creates memories. This gives you better memory, and memory that’s more current. On top of that, the brain spends your sleeping hours clearing out toxins - and that could aid you in staving off neural disease. Plus, if you’re the creative type, you may notice a boost in your creativity when you’re receiving enough sleep.

If more sleep is your goal, consider taking one of our natural supplements. We carry Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA) capsules which can aid a body in attaining more fruitful sleep more quickly. Or try out 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), a plant extract that can boost one’s mood while providing a feeling of relaxation.

Can’t Focus?

Mental acuity gets us through the rigmarole of our day-to-day. If you have a demanding job, or need to buckle down and study for your next final, you may benefit from a focus-enhancing supplement. Consider trying Acetyl L-Carnitine (ALCAR), a natural powder that can improve your brain health and your cognitive function throughout the day. Or try out our ginkgo biloba supplements. Ginkgo biloba has characteristics that protect neurons from dangerous oxidants, and it may stimulate mental acuity while deterring neural damage due to the body’s aging.

Lacking Energy?

We rely on our mental energy levels to get work done. With high-energy, cleaning the bathroom can be a quick ten-minute task. Without energy, cleaning the same bathroom may be a forty-minute nightmare. When our mind is running on high-energy, tasks and decisions are easy, and we’re likely more positive and more active. That could make your workout routine more pleasant, and more effective; or it might just make cleaning the bathroom a little less impossible. With supplements including spirulina powder, acai berry extract capsules, and caffeine pills, you’re sure to find the right supplement to suit your needs and current energy levels!

Feel free to check out some of our sleep and relaxation supplements here; check out our focus and mental health supplements here; or find the right energy boosting supplement here!

Take note. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.