Free radicals are a type of chemical. These chemicals have an extra electron tacked onto their structure - or, you could say that free radicals lack sufficient electrons to be completely stable. This added electron can wreak havoc on cells. Free radicals can be caused by five major sources: Radiation, inflammation, metals, drugs, and other chemicals.

Radiation, Inflammation, Metals, Drugs, & Chemicals

Radiation can knock an electron free from a chemical structure. Similarly, inflammation within a cell can cause a chemical reaction that creates an electron imbalance. Metals built up within the body can also manipulate chemical structures, resulting in free radicals. Drugs and other chemicals can also cause a buildup of free radicals as they’re processed and metabolized within the body.

How Free Radicals Cause Damage

When free radicals occur, they attract electrons from other chemicals throughout the body. This can be dangerous. Free radicals can pull electrons from proteins, thus breaking up structures, including cell walls and DNA. This process is called oxidation. Thus, free radicals are often called oxidants. When an oxidant, or free radical, attacks a cell wall, it may lead to cell death. However, when an oxidant manipulates cell DNA, it can cause a mutation - and DNA mutations can result in cancerous cells. If cancerous cells are allowed to multiply, cancer can spread throughout the body. In this way, free radicals boost the likelihood of contracting cancer, as well as cell death.


Once a cell has mutated due to oxidation, it may still be able to reproduce. If the DNA within the cell is still replicable, the mutated DNA can reproduce as the cancerous cell duplicates. As these cancerous cells multiply and multiply, tumors can form, and cancer can spread throughout the body. It’s easiest to prevent a cancer from happening by reducing free radicals.

Cell Damage & Death

Again, free radicals can also cause cell damage and death. Damaged cells simply don’t perform as they should. If a cell’s purpose is to produce proteins, for instance, it may produce fewer proteins due to cell damage. If a cell is killed due to oxidation, the body will have to spend energy to remove the cell or reutilize the cells components. In these ways, free radicals can slow bodily functions. A body riddled with free radicals may be less immune to diseases. Similarly, a body affected by free radicals may appear to age more quickly.

What’s the Solution?

So we’ve addressed the problems behind free radicals. Now what’s the solution? Fortunately, free radicals can be stopped. Antioxidants, including many vitamins, are equipped with an extra electron. This extra electron can be transferred to a free radical, thus neutralizing it and rendering it harmless. Free radicals can also be neutralized by metal carrier proteins and enzymes.

Antioxidants Reduce Cancer

Now, it makes sense that antioxidants reduce the risk of cancer forming within the body. Antioxidants can aid in preventing oxidization within body cells. This oxidization may otherwise create a cancerous cells. And again, oxidization is caused by oxidants, or free radicals. Supplementing your diet with antioxidants, therefore, may reduce your risk of contracting cancer.

NutraBulk Antioxidants

NutraBulk carries a line of antioxidant supplements. You can browse through our catalog to find antioxidants supplements to aid your health. Count on antioxidant packed supplements, including all of the following:

As is true with all of our natural supplements, our line of antioxidant supplements are available in bulk. If you’re curious about any of our bulk antioxidant supplements, feel free to get in touch with us. We have an in-house nutritionist who can field your questions.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. The aforementioned products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.